Poem for the sabbat of Lughnasadh.
Blessed Be the Bountiful Sun – The Peak of the Light Now Has Come
Blessed Litha! Today is the ending of the waxing year and the beginning of the waning year, in preparation for the harvest to come. Come and savor all the magic and lore!
It’s Midsummer’s Eve, So Let Us Make Merry – We Dance This Night With the Magic of Faery!
Tonight is a powerfully magical cusp moment, as we come to a sacred threshold. The Wheel of Time turns, the Light reaches its climax. Come celebrate Midsummer Eve with me!
Blessings of the Morning Chorus: A Merry Beltane to All!
Join the celebrations, for this is one of the most powerful and happy holidays in the Wheel of the Year! Light fires, dance with the Wild Ones, and surrender to enchantment.
The Heart that Sings the Birth of May – Blessed May Eve!
The Wheel turns, the veils between the human world and the primal worlds part and fly open. Dance into the ancient enchantment. Merry May Eve!
Blessings of the Divine Awakening! Blessings of Ostara and Equinox!
Despite difficult times, this is a moment ancient and holy. Let us align our spirits with the beautiful awakening of Nature. Blessed Equinox.