Wordsmithing Magic from the Crossroads


Tarot Social Gatherings

I am the founder and organizer for Triangle Tarot and Friends, one of the oldest, largest, most successful Tarot social groups in the world. For over 21 years, we’ve been meeting every month in the Raleigh-Durham Triangle area for practice, learning, and friendship.Personal photo of people giving each other Tarot readings at a restaurant table at our NC Tarot Meetup

Until we can find an affordable, safe venue for meeting in person, we are gathering via Zoom every month, which has greatly expanded our membership and the opportunity to welcome people from all backgrounds, not to mention Tarot celebrity guest presenters.

All levels of Tarot enthusiasts are cherished — from beginners to collectors to professionals. Ours is a very fun, eclectic group and newcomers are always celebrated. In addition, Triangle Tarot and Friends is  an online location for the global Tarot community to meet and share our love of the Tarot together.

To learn more, click here.

Speaking Engagements

Over the years, I have given countless presentations to groups both large and small, both public and private, and for all ages, from high school classrooms to retirement homes. My topics have included the Tarot, of course, but I also love inspiring people to expand their understanding of intuitive, spiritual, and magical practices.

I would be delighted to talk to your group, or teach for your facility or program. Just ask!Personal Photo of Beth giving a lecture for the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship audience

Moving gif file of Last Call on blue bannerWhat to know:

I am a master-level Tarot practitioner and instructor as well as a trained intuitive. I have served for over 50 years with the Tarot, including more than two decades as a successful, full-time professional reader. I have also taught dozens of different Tarot topics for many years.

At last count, I’ve had the privilege of teaching over 700 students, some of whom have gone on to become professional readers also.

I am a member of American Tarot Association, the Tarosophy Association, and Tarot Association of the British Isles; founder of one of the world’s oldest, largest, most active Tarot Meetups; I’ve been featured in countless magazine columns, podcasts, interviews, and articles; and I am a former officer of the Cherry Hill Seminary board of directors.

Failing is not
a problem you will face.
Failing is how
you will get there.

~ Rich Litvin

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