January 5, 2025:
True Confession:
It has taken me longer than I’d anticipated to process my disappointment after my hoped-for publisher passed on my manuscript.
However, it was a valuable experience, and their acquisitions editor’s feedback was very generous. It has been especially helpful as I pursue other avenues.
So I am finally back at work, upgrading, polishing, and editing. Despite the fact they were unable to make an offer (because it’s too lengthy for their usual formatting), I am not cutting back.
Instead, I am now working with a brilliant creativity coach who happens to also be fluent in Tarot, too, and who believes in what I am attempting to create.
That’s why I am dedicating January as the time for the quiet, inner metamorphosis my book needs, to find her wings.
A huge thank you to all of you who believe in me, and are still sending your encouragement.
The Backstory
Once upon a time …
When I started my blog in 2003, I wanted to initiate conversations on a wide-ranging platform of magical topics. But I also knew that I would focus on my true love, the Tarot.
So I began pulling one card every Monday morning, and then writing about it, for whoever happened across my site. No other layout cards, just a card a week.
Thus, my Card of the Week began. I’ve now written over 1,000 of these weekly analyses.
Over the years, my clients, students, site visitors, colleagues, and friends finally prevailed upon me to consolidate all my posts into an organized reference book.
I will continue to post one card a week, but no longer keep an ongoing archive, since that’s what the book will be. Makes sense, right?
And after that?
Stay tuned for lots of news and updates along the way!