February 3-9, 2025
The Empress
Though we are grown, we never outgrow the need for someone special to hold us close, stroke our hair, tuck us into bed, and reassure us that tomorrow, all will be well.
Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance
Welcome, my child! It’s been a couple of years since I visited, and I imagine you will be glad to see me in this crisis time. And yes, you are certainly my child, since I doubt you could claim to be as old as I am. Yet I never age, for I am always the voluptuous beauty, brimming with extravagant, resplendent life force. I am the Queen of all Kings and Queens. I am The Empress.
Come Closer. Let Me Show You Who I Am.
Like a true Goddess, I beckon you with my luscious delights – abundant, enticing, and bountiful.
In fact, I am the other face of the Triple Goddess in the Major Arcana. Whereas my predecessor in the Triumph cards, the High Priestess, is aligned with the Maiden and Crone of the divine feminine triune, I am an envoy of the Great Mother.
You can see that I am connected to the High Priestess by both the flowing water, as well as the pomegranates depicted on my gown.
In many decks, I am clearly pregnant, although in the Rider-Waite-Smith, my condition is understated and slightly mysterious. Just the way I like it!
Seated on my deeply cushioned throne, sumptuous crimson velvet spills down behind me. One of my pillows displays the symbol for the planet Venus in a repeating black and yellow pattern.
More obviously, the same symbol graces the great heart-shaped shield of Venus Aphrodite at my feet, for the passionate Goddess of Love and Beauty is with whom I am identified. The shape of the scepter I wield echoes this interpretation as well.
At my feet is a swath of golden wheat, for mine are the gifts of agriculture and abundance, associated with Goddesses like Ceres, Demeter, Corn Mother, and all the Grain Goddesses. They feed and nurture you, body and soul.
Behind me stands a forest, from which a flowing stream pours, culminating in a waterfall. Seated between the two, I rule from where both the wild and the cultivated aspects of Nature meet.
My necklace is of pearls, the only precious gems that are birthed, not from the Earth, but from water, created in partnership with living creatures, and engendered from a conscious, nurturing act.
And my crown is composed of both the laurel wreath of victory and a circlet of six-pointed stars, each representing the twelve signs of the zodiac.
The hexagram symbol of my crown’s stars may be known to you as the Star of David, and also recognized as the ancient Seal of Solomon. This symbol represents the intertwining of two triangles, combining the magical, alchemical symbols for masculine Fire and feminine Water. It represents love made manifest, the quickening of life and creation.
Notice Your Glimmers Instead of Your Triggers
While we are still in Imbolc-tide (in fact, astronomical Imbolc, the half-way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, is Feb. 3-4), it is helpful to see what our magical friend, astrologer Diotima Mantineia says about this magical moment:
Even if you haven’t been paying attention to the Sun’s seasonal journey, your body, mind, and soul are aware of the changing balance of light and dark and are responding on levels that are not always accessible to the conscious mind unless you’ve trained yourself to be aware of subtle energies.
There’s also an astrological component to this time since the Zodiac measures the Sun’s yearly journey on the ecliptic. Sun reaches 15° of Aquarius right around this date. Aquarius is one of four Fixed signs and 15° of all four are midpoints, considered to be powerful points in the Zodiac.
There is a certain cosmic resonance to this time that can aid us in shifting reality through magick. To find some of the most effective magick for this time, we can look to folklore, particularly the folklore of the goddess/saint Brigid.
Brigid is a Goddess of blacksmithing, a creative and practical use of the Element of Fire, an element which can be used to purify as well as create. She is also associated with poetry, wisdom, and the healing arts.
To polytheists like myself, the Gods are real beings who exist in the larger reality of Consciousness within which our time-and-space reality is created. With some attention and effort, They can be consciously communicated with.
Yes, to exploring the importance of the Divine Feminine, dear reader. Your 21st century world is in crisis in direct proportion to the extent to which your culture has stolen and vilified women’s power and Nature Herself.
And the always insightful Elisabeth Grace tells us that during Monday’s 17-hour Moon void (be ready for much ado about nothing):
* Mars will square Wounded Healer/Warrior Chiron at 9:44 PM ET, with the upside potential being a keen realization about pain and suffering with respect to home, family, and homeland security… Certainly the Moon’s need to establish material comfort and security will be supercharged this evening, as Moon squares Pluto at 2:12 AM ET on…
* TUESDAY. Meanwhile, for the past 48 hours, Venus (money, values, women, and aesthetics) has been traveling with delusional/soulful Neptune and the North Node at the verrrrrry end of Pisces. In matters ruled by Venus, it may feel like the end of the world, with things vanishing right before our very eyes, like so many complete US government websites, not to mention the U.S. Constitution from the White House website, I effing kid you not. MAGA! As of 10 PM ET on Sunday (as I’m type), that page directs to a 404 error. But at 2:56 AM ET, Venus trades her Pisces garb of shimmering sequins for Venus in Aries warrior attire. No more sweet accommodation; Venus is Aries is ready to fight, not now, but RIGHT NOW, and this battle mode continues all the way through the end of March…
And for Saturday, she adds:
The Moon enters Cancer at 6:04 AM ET, shifting the focus on preserving emotional, home, and family security, but with much more dignity than Mars. Cherishing the comforts of home are apt this weekend; whatever fulfills your need for nourishment.
Cherishing the comforts of home are my superpowers, so call upon me as you (hopefully!) relax and find your equilibrium in this crisis time.
Meantime, the wise Lorna Bevan tells us:
If you are a sensitive, empath or intuitive, just feel the palpable energy uptick as Awakener Uranus turns forward in earthy Taurus, coinciding with Imbolc — the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox- and the start of the Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Take heart! This week, you’ll notice your life force begin to return on February 4 as Jupiter stations Direct in Gemini while Venus moves on to the Aries Zero Point. This elemental mix of Fire and Air is a harbinger of the hot air balloon ride we can expect in March, June and July when Neptune and Saturn cross into Fire sign Aries and Uranus enters Air sign Gemini.
When Venus is in Aries, the heart wants what it wants and wants it now. It also knows what it doesn’t want. This month to March 1st -when Venus turns retrograde for forty days- experiment with your BIG YES and, more importantly, your BIG NO…
notice your glimmers, instead of your triggers… people and things which create a burst of small happiness…
those micro moments that restore a sense of grace, peace and wellbeing…..
those small spontaneous and fleeting instances of grace and beauty that create feelings of safety in you….
the more you pay them attention, the more you regulate your nervous system…
Find those micro moments, my beloveds. Connect to the awakening life power within you. Find the grace and the beauty with which this world is bestowed. This is not cloud cuckoo land, feel-good advice. It’s how you become strong and prepared for Venus’ ingress into warrior Aries. And to do the things you need to do, to care for yourself and one another.
My Message for You
Whether you have actual children or not makes no difference to me. I don’t even care what gender you claim.
That is not the Motherhood that I am most interested in, although surely, it is an important way of relating to me, if literal motherhood is the case for you.
Instead, think of me as your conduit to opulent, sumptuous, sensual living — in whatever form you may dwell. I offer artistry, comfort, and love for all who call upon me.
And, yes, my child, I know very well how much those qualities are needed right now.
When I appear in a reading, you are encouraged to find softer, more luxuriant ways to connect to your world. This is a time for huge creativity and self-care. Pampering and beauty are top priorities when I am in charge!
Come sit here beside me, and I will give you a new sense of harmony, poise, hospitality, and rich, juicy love. Celebrate your sacred body and savor the deep, Earthy pleasures of living.
I will also urge you to make peace with your neighbors, and give thanks by generously sharing the abundance given to you. And by the way, everyone is your neighbor.
Who are the women you most admire? How do they inspire you? This would be a great time to pay attention to those qualities of leadership that are both powerful, but kind.
And you are urged to follow my lead by reaching out to those who are frightened, marginalized, and being hurt by the new regime. Offer your hand and help, for that is the only way I can begin to reassure you that, as the above quote from Simple Abundance describes it, all will be well.
Permission Granted
Did you know that both the Koran and the Talmud teach that when your life is over, you will be held accountable for every permissible pleasure that life offered, but you refused to enjoy?
Recognizing, therefore, that lusty indulgence is a sacred directive, what sumptuous foods, sensuous gratifications, permissive detours, and other lush delights would your inner Venus approve of whole-heartedly? (And oh, yes, you cis men have an inner Venus, too!).
Like all loving mothers when their children have been very, very good (and I know you have!), why not take yourself by the hand and find a special treat to splurge a little on?
Don’t misunderstand — in these tricky economic times, this does NOT have to be expensive, nor should it in any way add to any possible financial stress!
I absolutely loathe discomfort, especially pain in the wallet. But I bet you can think of a way to lavish yourself with a little something special that only your heart knows you would love.
Blessing and Protecting the Divine Child
It was only six weeks ago that many of you reading this celebrated the birth of the Child of Promise.
Now is the time to protect and nurture this divine gift.
After all, one of my traditional divinatory meanings is that I often herald a pregnancy and call for you to pay attention to the importance of children in your life. These children may be literally human, or they may be creative expressions, projects, or ideas.
When was the last time you entertained your Inner Child? How might the Artist within you wish to be expressed? And you get extra points for anything that beautifies your world, or contributes to your physical well-being.
Open the doors of your inexhaustible, invisible storehouse of Good! Recognize what “enoughness” is, and recognize your own vast resources, exactly as they are right this minute. In the spectrum of human existence, you are wealthy beyond measure.
Enjoy this time before the full-on commotion of Springtime. Use it for nurturing, nesting, and building a secure, wholesome environment for you and your loved ones. Beauty, sensuousness, and earthly pleasures are my gifts to you, and I urge you to make good choices for a healthier life.
In what ways can I inspire you to embrace the dazzling splendor of the world around you? What fertile seeds might you plant, to expand your sense of personal, soulful well-being? Now is the time. I have come to bless your creativity with abundance and wholesome luxury.
Receive what is given with gratitude; share what you have with generosity and joy. You have and are so much more than you have been led to believe.
Indeed, you are rich beyond imagining.
My card of the week remains a labor of love, but if you’d like to make a donation, I would be profoundly grateful. Thanks.
Thank you for relaying this gorgeous, luscious, comforting message from The Empress, Beth. I started walking outside again, as I promised myself I would at Imbolc, and drank in the energy. May this annual reawakening enhearten us all.
Yes, I think she is what we are all needing. I love your commitment to being outside and soaking up the Love of All That Lives. May your creativity and inspiration be renewed and blessed.
Oh my, what a wonderful message the Empress brings to us! Thank you so much for shining this light on how we can best nurture ourselves and others. Ironically, just before I’d read your post, I had indulged in a nice, fat piece of cinnamon swirl toast from a loaf I’d baked late yesterday. As I sat down to eat it for my breakfast this morning, I told myself it was okay in indulge, as I was tired of denying myself such treats. Enjoyed every bite thoroughly!
Mmm! That sounds like just exactly what she would suggest!
What delectable goodness might you be planning for today?
Im so grateful for this card and your message. This has been the hardest week 🙁
Decided to stick to water this week, but it has been a rough week, so my daughter baked cookies tonight and we all indulged, which lifted our mood 🙂
Watch wild robot if you have not yet
Beautiful movie