Wordsmithing Magic from the Crossroads

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Art image of owl surrounded by Yule greenery and candles

We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love.
Mother Teresa

Tis the day before Christmas, and hopefully, you are settling in all snug and warm, wherever you most dearly wish to be. Whether this holiday is deeply spiritual for you or not, its heart is Good, and is an offering of hope and rebirth that humanity could surely benefit from.

If it is SAFE where you are and you are looking for something festive to do, then I highly recommend a quick venture out — but only if it is not hazardous to do so, and no, not for more shopping. Instead it might be to slip someone who needs it a small, clandestine miracle or random act of kindness. Or two.Golden Yule candelabra with five lit candles and greenery

I bet you can think of lots of creative ways to play Secret Santa during this sacred moment of stillness.

Meantime, for those of you who are celebrating Christmas, tonight at midnight or tomorrow morning if you prefer, it is time for you to light your final, center candle.

As before, you’ll light each of the previous ones, but then, you will honor the moment of the Divine Birth with your final lit candle.

With its light, welcome the Redeemer, the Bringer of Light, and vow to renew your own part in the ancient promise of faith, hope, and love that was given on this most holy night.

For we all agree that the greatest of these is love.

Thank you for being a part of the 18th annual Advent Sun Wreath Ceremony. This has been the most astonishing and beautiful (and BIGGEST!) ceremony yet. Mark your shiny new 2023 calendars for our 19th celebration, which will start Sunday, Nov. 26, 2023.

Wishing peace on Earth and good will to all.

No exceptions.

Blessed be.

Our Solstice garland decorations Laurel Hill Cottage

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Kathy December 25, 2022, 7:01 am

many blessings to you and yours. thank you again for shining a light.

Beth December 25, 2022, 12:06 pm

Kathy.. Thank you for your kind words, and for being a generous, thoughtful visitor here. I appreciate you more than you know. Blessings and best wishes!

nofixedstars December 26, 2022, 6:11 am

merry and bright, beth. thank you for all you do, for your part in embodying the light.

Beth December 26, 2022, 2:06 pm

You and everyone else here inspire me, Ann.

May the coming year hold all your hurts and your joys with tender grace. And may your joys far outnumber and outshine any sorrows. Blessings and gratitude for you.

Jane December 27, 2022, 7:45 pm

Thank you for leading us, again, in this beautiful, healing circle. This year it seemed many were struggling and it was a blessing for those of us who were able to say, no worries, no stress, whatever you can do is the right thing, we are here for you. I hope those comments were a blessing for the hearer, too.

Beth December 28, 2022, 9:22 am

Jane, you are so right.

I am not sure if things are just getting harder all the way around (I am pretty sure they are), or people are just more willing to share their shadowy situations (and I am so thankful if they are). But yes, there has been a LOT of grief, loss, death, difficulty, and heartache this holiday season.

And I love that our ceremony absolutely is all about “come as you are, you can’t get it wrong.”

It also seems to catch the attention of some of the most compassionate, giving, and welcoming souls I have ever met.

I hope with all my heart that the words, prayers, and energy of EVERYONE have combined to, not just celebrate the return of the Light (which of course is HUGE!), but also to tend and bless the Light within each and every participant, and the wider world, too. Because the need is vast.

But so is our power and our love.
Blessings to you, dear Jane, for speaking to this.

What better way of healing
than to find our center
of self-sovereignty?

~ Steven Pressfield

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