Wordsmithing Magic from the Crossroads

Man at bench hammering eight pentacles W-S Tarot Eight of Pentacles

Weekly Tarot

April 29-May 5, 2024
Eight of Pentacles

Dig into almost every overnight success story and you’ll find about a decade’s worth of hard work and perseverance.
Austin Kleon

For this powerfully magical week during which we celebrate the arrival of lovely May, featuring the greater sabbat of Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere, and Samhain below the equator, let us welcome the Eight of Pentacles.

Pentacles are the suit associated with the element of Earth. So they rule matters to do with living in the corporeal, material world. That may extend to money, health, work, and our physical home. But I consider them to also rule over that most precious and non-renewable resource — our time.

The Eights of the Tarot are often about getting organized, setting priorities, and moving forward (or not). So in the Pentacles suit, the Eight is involved with matters to do with jobs, prosperity, fitness, household management, and governance of our possessions.

Here we see an artisan who is centered on his creative efforts. Although he is completely focused on his task, we see the city in the far distance. Perhaps this is a reminder that there is a larger world to which his products must have relevance, lest his work be an act of vanity or waste of time.

There is no indication whether he is self-employed, or working under the authority of a larger business. But in this moment, unsupervised, he works with good cheer, concentration, and a high level of productivity.

And my sharp-eyed regular readers will recognize that this is another of Tarot artist Pixie Smith’s “stage cards.”  It’s tiny, but notice the double horizontal line behind the figure, hinting that the background may be theater scenery. What tale is being played out for us?

We are being shown the pure act of the creation itself. We see the physical energy of the hammering, the calm expression of the maker, and the meticulous care reflected in the results.

Capricorn, Venus, Mars and Pluto – Oh My!

This visit is in apt timing for a week that sees Venus entering one of her home signs, the sign of Taurus.

Our wise friend Elisabeth Grace explains that starting on Monday –

Now is the time to choose fabric swatches and get a hair cut, as Venus functions effectively in Taurus, especially in matters of aesthetics and social expression. Venus will be in Taurus until May 23rd, and the first few days of her focus on the beauty of mine-mine-mine may be driven to extremes…

Meanwhile, this day is driven by Moon in Capricorn, which needs to Get Stuff Done — preferable Stuff related to a Big Ambition.

And isn’t what this steady worker is doing? His Pentacles are hung about, like works of art, ready for the practical side of commerce and ensuring well-being.

Elisabeth also points out that another big astrological event this week is Tuesday’s ingress of Mars into its own home sign of Aries:

Mars — the energy of action, assertion, and aggression — is likely grabbing special attention in the news. Why? Because at 11:32 AM ET, Mars charges into Aries, the sign it rules. When a planet is in the sign it rules, it functions with high effectiveness. Is that good or bad? I don’t know. What are you trying to accomplish?

The figure in our card knows exactly what he is aiming for, and is clearly good at it, working steadily away.

And speaking of opportunities, visionary Lorna Bevan points out that:

On May 2nd, transformer Pluto slows to turn retrograde at 2° Aquarius until October 12th, briefly returning to the master 29 degree of Capricorn. This retrograde period is a time to update old beliefs about power, money, authority, convention, contrarianism, humanitarianism, technology, and progressive ideals.

As Pentacles, ruled by the element of Earth, is all about making a living, could it be that Pluto is pushing you to review where your money comes from and how you make it? Is it time for a radical change? After all, that is Pluto’s superpower – utter and total transformation.

Wouldn’t you love to be immersed in productive work that you love? Maybe it’s time.

In the Flow

I like to think that this maker is in what the late American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi dubbed, the “flow phenomenon.” It’s that optimal state when we are completely and contentedly absorbed in the task at hand. It is simultaneously focused and relaxed.

While the young man in the card is engrossed in work, we do not get the sense that he is a victim of the “hurry-hurry” mentality that seems to rule life in the 21st century.

Instead, his manner appears to be peaceful and devoted to the work.

No matter where or how you make your living, who signs your paycheck, or even if you are officially employed, you are always the most important manager of how and what you produce with your time, labor, and skill.

It doesn’t matter who is up the official work chain of command – the Chief Executive Officer that you ultimately report to is Source, and you can know how you’re doing by the memos you receive in your spirit. In fact, we are always the ones overseeing the quality and meaningfulness of our work.

When we remember that our creativity and labor are our gifts to one another, and to the Beloved, we do not complain, cut corners, or pretend that mediocre work can slide by.

This card invites us to seek mastery in the physical world, to cultivate and hone our skills, and enjoy the confidence and pleasure that come from labors well-done.

Are you considering a move at your job, or a promotion to a new, more challenging level? Perhaps you are ready to change your employment completely.

What new skills might enable you to be more productive while also finding joy in your labors?

Committing to Your Calling

This is wonderful guidance for creative folks who are talented in craftsmanship or in the arts. I have often seen this card come up for people who are restless in their successful but conventional careers, and who seek a life-changing shift to more creative or artistic endeavors.

But all the inspiration and good intentions in the world will not compensate for lack of focus, poor craftsmanship, or a failure to understand how your visions and the actual desire of the marketplace must intersect.

If your job is satisfying and rewarding, be thankful, and continue to grow and learn. If not, who can you ask for honest feedback regarding your abilities and possible limitations? What new tools or practice can improve your results?

What, in your heart of hearts, do you feel is your calling? What would you do/make/create if you believed you could make a good living with it?

Remember that your labor is sacred. This week’s guidance is profoundly simple: Do good work. And to do it well, it is important to dial back the frantic busyness. Slow down, focus, and enjoy the process.

Even if it seems to take a long time to become an overnight success!

My card of the week is always a labor of love, but if you’d like to make a donation, I would be most grateful.

6 Luminous Sparks… add one

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Athene Noctua Bubo April 29, 2024, 9:18 pm

Lovely as always Beth Owl. Woke up with a story idea on my mind, and will commit the time to start writing it down.

Beth May 1, 2024, 8:24 pm

YAY!!! Best news I’ve heard in AGES!!! 🎉🌟🥂

Nancy April 30, 2024, 1:22 pm

Beth, honestly, even though I’ve been away for a few weeks, it’s still mind-blowing to me how the cards in the last few months have spoken to exactly where I am in the moment. And not just the cards themselves, but also your commentary.

“What, in your heart of hearts, do you feel is your calling? What would you do/make/create if you believed you could make a good living with it?

“Remember that your labor is sacred. This week’s guidance is profoundly simple: Do good work. And to do it well, it is important to dial back the frantic busyness. Slow down, focus, and enjoy the process.”

Amen to this!

The 1:1 course I’ve been working on is just about ready to go, and I can’t tell you how excited I am to see it come to life, and to do something that feels sacred to me for the first time in such a long time. And that last sentence is such a great reminder for me as things are starting to feel more frantic–they don’t have to be! 🙂

I’m giving a “Permission to Play” workshop for free this Sunday–90 minutes for anyone who wants to reconnect with their playful inner kid and get their creative juices flowing–and repeating it on the 11th. Folks can sign up for the 5th at https://fyc.quest/P2PMay5 or the 11th at https://fyc.quest/P2PMay11 if there’s any interest!

Beth May 1, 2024, 8:25 pm

I hope EVERYONE sees this, because it sounds amazing!!! Congratulations, dear Nancy! You GO!!!

Mary April 30, 2024, 3:27 pm

“Do good work and do it well” – that is so simple and yet profound.

Beth May 1, 2024, 8:26 pm

And not as easy as just saying it, right? Yet, that is what we all, at our best, strive for. Blessings to you, Mary.

What better way of healing
than to find our center
of self-sovereignty?

~ Steven Pressfield

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